Light Language Transmissions
Feel awe and wonder from experiencing a new existence
free of what has held you stuck, and
full of expanded possibilities for your human potential.
Live your best self!
I love working with light language as a transformative energy-healing modality because it is genuinely effective in helping us to make significant changes in our lives!
It delights me to hear the shifts people experience after sessions:
Legit breakthroughs of long-term issues and trauma
Resolution of limiting beliefs
Release of patterns (ancestral patterns, behavioral patterns, thought patterns, patterns that have been around for decades)
Feeling more alive, clear, confident, and connected
Significant improvements in mental, physical, and emotional wellness
Feeling more in alignment with themselves, their truth, and their purpose
It is a true honor to be of service and to support people on their life’s journey. I don’t take this position lightly.
So many of us have really been through the wringer. I know I have. As humans, we can experience some intense challenges in life. I have been a practitioner of transformational wellness modalities for over a decade. What is most important to me is to provide effective wellness modalities from a place of compassion; to offer support that truly makes a difference.
There are many paths to wellness, to overcoming both lifelong challenges as well as acute trials. I celebrate the increase in alternative wellness modalities blossoming globally. There is a burgeoning of methods to support one another in our ongoing sacred journeys! Light language is one such method with a profound capacity to support humanity.
I work with light language as an energy healing modality, as well as to receive messages. Any information received as messages is then applied to what is unfolding in the healing sessions. Light language sessions are often very interactive as information is revealed and processed. This process allows people to access pertinent understanding while being present to vast, complex, multifaceted, non-linear language. Sessions of light language are journeys of healing and self-discovery, as well as an interactive dance between myself and the person(s) I am channeling for.
For information on light language, please refer to this page: Light Language